Collaborative and Innovative
ARTio values research as a way of perception and as a means of generating knowledge and creating meaning of the world that surrounds us. Our research projects are interdisciplinary and connect music to other artistic and scientific areas.
The distance between an idea and its realization
Here at ARTio, we love exploring performance which involves music through-with-and other disciplines, artistic and/or scientific. These areas until now include, but are not limited to: music 'through-with-and drama, visual arts, dance and movement, poetry and literature, linguistic studies, thanatology, and psychology.
Experimenting is a journey leading to discovery
ARTio recognises the importance of developing education programmes and projects which will be in line with society’s contemporary needs. Our projects are addressed to all age groups, and to both educators and learners. We design and develop materials which can be applied to a range of environments, covering formal as well as informal education. Our projects are interdisciplinary and collaborative and they bring together a range of disciplines, such as music, drama, technology, art, social sciences and many more.
Making a difference