Image by Andrea Kantrowitz
Here at ARTio we love exploring performance which involves music through-with-and other disciplines, artistic or scientific. These areas until now include, but are not limited to: music 'through-with-and drama, visual arts, dance and movement, thanatology, and psychology.
Current Performance Projects
Harp monologues
Harp Monologues is an ongoing project which started in 2009 as a personal artistic practice within an interdisciplinary and research frame. It aims at creating interdisciplinary harp performances in which elements from different disciplines are brought together in a collaborative and interactive way, in a holistic approach. The performances developed aim towards an understanding of the nature and potential of performance when adapting conventional stories and forms, reframing them to place an emphasis on the interrelationship between disciplinary forms and the generation of emotional ‘narratives’. The project’s starting point forms questions into the nature of ‘interdisciplinarity’ – in particular the relationship between sound, text and action- and experiments on the manipulation of diverse elements
Usually Harp Monologues are solo pieces based on texts (literature, theatre texts and poetry) where the harpist is required to perform on the harp as a character. The harp in this project has a variety of substances: it can become a source of sound, a scenic object, a symbol, or a character itself. Harp Monologues have been presented mainly in the UK in the context of concerts and festivals.
ARTio Experimental music and
music theatre Ensemble
'Odyssee' by Anestis Logothetis
This is newly formed ensemble which aims at presenting compositions based on the ideas developed since the mid-20th century, around questions pertinent to the notions of notation and performing. The members of the ensemble come from a variety of different backgrounds.
Music theatre, Concert theatre and Interdisciplinary compositions for the Harp.
'Ariadne's Dream' - Harp Monologues
This projects aims to present and perform compositions for solo harp which fall under the category of experimental music/concert theatre, or that they are in various way interdisciplinary in their performance. This performance project works in parallel with the relevant research project.
Project leader:
Maria Yerosimou
Current performance project:
'Hsing', by Anne Le Baron.
* The Cyprus premiere of the work is currently being prepared.